Harry went inside the convenience store, rushing to find what her boss wants. She kept looking left and right as she walks quickly to every single aisle. She doesn't want to jeopardize her job just because she can't do a simple task for her boss.
When she saw the item, she immediately grabbed
it and ran to the cashier. As she was about to arrive, she realized the queue
was long; one of the cashier just closed his counter, so everyone had to switch
to the only one left.
She was exhausted. She puffed as she waits in
line. The guy and his wife in front of her looked back, and he made an
uncomfortable face while his wife rolled her eyes. They turned their heads
front together, looked at each other and the wife said, "typical."
Harry felt embarrassed; she kept quiet and looked the other way.
She received a call from her boss. She
answered and her boss yelled, "Damn it Harry! You can't do anything right!
That's it! I'm cutting your salary!" The boss hanged up the call right
away before she could say anything. She let out a loud sigh.
She placed the item on the counter. The
cashier picked it up, scanned the barcode and straight away put it inside a
plastic bag. "That'll be twenty nine dollars ninety nine cents."
"What? It's that much?"
Harry opened her handbag to find her purse.
She found a wrinkled paper with a note written on it. She flattens it so she
could read it clearly. She forgot that it was a note to herself about her rent
that was due 2 weeks ago.
"Come on lady! We got places to be! Hurry
up!" One of the people shouted behind her.
She found her purse and checked if she had
enough. She could barely purchase the item.
She stepped outside the store and started to
think about how she's going to pay her rent while walking on her way back to
the restaurant. She kept wondering if she should take another extra shift or
have two different part time jobs.
She looked to her right as she was waiting to
cross the street. She sees a group of kids playing in a playground; climbing,
shouting, tagging each other, running around, not worrying about anything in
the world.
She remembered how that felt, not having a
single thing to worry about in life when she was a kid herself. In the past,
she used to jump from furniture to another and when she fell, somehow, it
doesn't really hurt that much. When she's hungry, she could just go downstairs,
open the refrigerator and eat what's left over. She even had time to do her
hobbies or hang out with her friends. Happiness was all around. She never
thought that growing up could be so difficult, having one or more problems
after finishing another.
Now, she worries, just about everything; what
she looks like, people judging, what's her dinner for tonight or if there is
even a dinner, paying rent, bills, not having time to relax, do her hobby to
entertain herself or for relationships. Her own emotions, which is currently
uncontrollable due to the fact of what's happening. She hasn't even met her
best friend for months because of her extra shifts she had to take to earn
enough money to live properly.
The traffic lights glared her eyes as she
reminisced how lucky and fun it was to be a kid, catching her attention; making
her realize that she's all grown up, and it is time to cross the street and
continue her life.
Sadly true... - someone ;)